时间:2016年12月7日 8:30-10:30
刘仕诚,美国长岛大学(Long IslandUniversity)教授,美国国务院富布莱特学者,曾担任美联社驻亚洲部总监、《纽约时报》高级顾问,对中美关系、美国内部社会与政治经济发展、华人生存现状等有独特而精辟的见解,曾受邀在国内教育部中南教育管理干部培训中心、中国人民大学、中国青年政治学院、北京语言大学、中山大学、华中师范大学等机构做高级访问学者,为本科生和研究生开设过多门课程,所到之处受到员工们的普遍好评。
Liu, David.EastWest Forum. Chinese-languageliterary magazine. 1989–2014.
Liu, David.“Thingsin America”Feature Columnist,Da Gong Baonewspaper,Hong Kong, 2014.
Liu, David.ThingsAmerican - The Art of Life in the United States. Shanghai, China, Wen Hui Press, 1988.
Long Island University,Main Campus, Brooklyn, New York
Adjunct Professor, Department of Journalism, 1986–Present
·Teach media management and international reporting courses
·Helped evaluate and select journalism students for U.N.internship programs
·Serve as panelist on the Polk Awards Committee since 1995
China Youth University,Beijing, China
Visiting Professor, Department of Journalism, Spring 2014
·Taught graduate international reporting and environmentalreporting courses
Dr. Sun Yat Sen University,Guangzhou, China
Visiting Professor, Department of Journalism, Spring 2013
·Taught undergraduate environmental reporting and mediaethics courses
Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing, China
Visiting Professor, Department of Journalism, Fall 2009–Spring 2010, Spring 2011
·Taught graduate courses on environmental reporting,international reporting, media ethics and media
Fulbright Scholar, Renmin University, Beijing, China
Professor of Journalism, Spring 2007–Fall 2007
·Taught graduate and undergraduate students in the followingsubjects: Media Management and Media
East West Forum,Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Founder and Publisher, 1991–Present
New York Times News Services and Syndicate,New York, New York
Senior Consultant, 1996–2008
The Associated Press,New York, New York
Director of Foreign Language Newspapers, 1987–2005
Director of Administrative Services, 1980–1987
Chief of News Library and Information Center, 1973–1980
Sing Tao, Limited,Hong Kong
Senior Consultant, 1996–1997
Dewe Rogerson,New York, NY
Senior Consultant, 1994–1996
Semester at SEA, University of Pittsburgh
Inter-port Lecturer, Fall 1984
·Taught Asian history with a concentration in modern Chinesehistory
United Nations-Language Institute, New York, NY
Professor of Language Instruction, 1968–1971
·Taught Mandarin Chinese to U. N. officers and interpreters
Cornell University,Ithaca, New York
Visiting Lecturer, China Program, 1966
·Taught advanced Chinese to graduate students in theDepartment of Modern Language
·Lectured on Chinese history to undergraduate students